In cold, in warmth, through all dimensions of our life, we are so fragile as we pass along our endeavors.
Let's be gentle with one another, after all, we are all the same in all dimensions.
Consciousness Awareness Art
This form of art was created and thought out by yours truly and I see it as a branch of contemporary, modern art. Consciousness Awareness paintings allow the observer to realize something about their life he or she might have not realized before. That is my goal with my art; I want to help people through art, to see life better, things about themselves, their surroundings, and maybe even things they need to know about but do not really want to know.
Now, I know, it sounds scary, but if you can understand something, viewing, and studying visual art paintings; I believe that this is one of the greatest gifts I can give. I believe my art needs to come with a text, less to explain, but more to guide the viewer through the many complicated stages deep inside his consciousness and guide them in the best direction.
Painting for me is a LOVE and PASSION. I focus most of my time on it beceuse I love to create these beautiful paintings. For me each brush stroke "tells a story" that is different from the previous brush stroke. I wish to convey to you this very story, and out of this very story get you to comprehend something about yourself.